I want to thank all of you for your kind and heartfelt messages. I miss my Ariel and everytime I think of her I have an empty feeling in the pit of my stomach. The whole dynamic in the house has changed. It is quite now. I think with Ariel's pacing, there was noise all the time. It's a silence that even the dogs are aware of it. Buffy, Mr Chips and Winston follow me around the house and Buffy is sleeping right next to my side of the bed where as before she slept next to Ariel. I know it will get easier but for now, all we do is think of her and I'm questioning if I did the right thing and I know I did, but the thought is still there. It's crazy that she is gone but she did have a good life and I loved the way she use to smile. She was my only pet that had ever shown expressions that I could read.
Buffy is very sad and she is breathing heavy, if this doesn't stop soon, I will bring her to the vet for a check up. I think she is stressed. Although on Sunday, my mother told me Buffy was sick. She said that she thought she looked sick. I don't see that, right now, I just think she is sad.
Enjoy your weekend~
This is one of the last pictures I took of Ariel, I thought it was cute because I can only imagine her saying "what kind of dog is this?"