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See Mom, I told you to stop being paranoid!

Mom took me to the Vet on Wednesday because she thought I still look sick.  I know this is not the best photo of me, but really, who photographs well anyways, except for Lassie. 
 I thought I could hide under my Mom's legs...
But instead after all kinds of blood work and me gaining a few pounds (53#), I'm fine!
The doctor called yesterday and he said that I'm great but can you bring in a pee sample!

Have a great day!

Really Mom

It started off as a beautiful day...going for a nice and easy walk...
Nothing out of the ordinary...
Everything looks good...until our Mother got this brain storm idea...
Really Mom, in the baby swing...
It's not as fun as it looks!
Have a great day :)

I want to thank all of you for your kind and heartfelt messages.  I miss my Ariel and everytime I think of her I have an empty feeling in the pit of my stomach.  The whole dynamic in the house has changed. It is quite now.  I think with Ariel's pacing, there was noise all the time.  It's a silence that even the dogs are aware of it.  Buffy, Mr Chips and Winston follow me around the house and Buffy is sleeping right next to my side of the bed where as before she slept next to Ariel.  I know it will get easier but for now, all we do is think of her and I'm questioning if I did the right thing and I know I did, but the thought is still there.  It's crazy that she is gone but she did have a good life and I loved the way she use to smile.  She was my only pet that had ever shown expressions that I could read.
Buffy is very sad and she is breathing heavy, if this doesn't stop soon, I will bring her to the vet for a check up.  I think she is stressed.  Although on Sunday, my mother told me Buffy was sick.  She said that she thought she looked sick.  I don't see that, right now, I just think she is sad.

Enjoy your weekend~


This is one of the last pictures I took of Ariel, I thought it was cute because I can only imagine her saying "what kind of dog is this?"

My best friend Ariel♥

Today is a very sad day my friends, my sweet Ariel of almost 15 years has made her way to the Rainbow Bridge where she is running free and not suffering anymore. 
The past few weeks she has been failing fast and when I brought her to the vet today, she had lost 7 pounds since December and she was very frail.  She also had a hard time standing in one spot, her hind legs looked like they were going to collapse and I felt sad for her because she looked so uncomfortable.   So as I stayed with her and kept telling her that I loved her and she will be fine, she just fell asleep and honestly she looked like an angel, very peaceful.
I know she is having fun with all the others that have passed before her and in my heart, even though she is not with me anymore, I trust that she is happy again and she won't have to worry about falling or not understanding why she couldn't sleep at night if she was pacing in the dark. 
I hope you enjoy these pictures.  She was a good girl. 

Being regal.

The queen.

Napping with friends.

Trying her studious look!

Her time spent at the Royal wedding.

Buffy took good care of her at the end.

Enjoying the spring.    

I'll miss you, Ariel♥


Nothing like a nice long nap!

I hope you all had a great Mother's Day! I did, I slept all day and I didn't even know that my mother gave me a present for Mother's Day!  No one took it either! It was right their when I woke up!  I sure do live with a bunch of nice furry brothers and sisters!

Have a happy day!


The three of us going for a walk...

You can see Mr. Chips right above Buffy! He blends in nicely...kind of like a chameleon! 


These pedals sure do smell nice! 

Lucky for me, I don't have allergies! 


You are soooo funny!

Have a happy weekend!



Which clicker Mommy?

Happy Wednesday!
