The hint of spring is finally in the air. You can see the yellow on the trees and I also saw daffodils today in my yard! Yah!!
I have exciting news, well for me anyways...we are having a horse come to the barn on Friday to deliver her foal. Then she will be going home to her stable. The owners would like a calm setting for the birth. I'm hoping we are not being set up with a rescue, I'm always suspicious about things like this. So I'm having the farm manager get all the pertinent information before they drop her off.
My mother had inherited several dogs like this when she owned her kennel. It's crazy, but people often drop off their pets to say goodbye. Let's hope this is not the case.
Just a little side note, my father had this pond put in about 40 years ago now. My mother just told me the story about this pond that is on the farm. When he first had the hole dug it was too small, then a year or so later, he had it enlarged to the size it is now. It is spring fed and we use to stock it with fish. The intent was to have the water on the farm in case of fire and twenty-five years ago when we had the big barn fire, the fire department did access this pond for water. My mother didn't lose her house because of this but two big beautiful barns were destroyed. The fire happened in the afternoon and all the animals were in the field. Only my mother and the chief of the fire department were in the barn looking for the smoke and honestly, the air changed, the chief said run and by the time they were outside, the barn had a huge fire storm. To this day, no one knows what happened.
My gut feeling, one of the young girls who were boarding the horses was smoking but we never knew. So on that note...
I hope you all have a great day~