A couple of weeks ago I was extremely lucky to win this great award from
Roscoe, at It's a Dogs Life!
We were very happy to have won this nice award because I get to share "seven" things about us!
The rules are pretty simple...here we go!
1) Thank the person who gave you this award. Thank you
Roscoe! It was very sweet of you to think of us!
2) Share "seven" things about us...
(A) Winston snores (he is snoring right now!)
(B) Buffy likes to make a lot of noise when Smokes is trying to go outside.
(C) Mr.O'Riely has learned to talk back to Mr. Chips. (I'm going to try to film that!)
(E) Winston will not go to bed without his treat. He will just sit there and wait!
(F) Buffy will not eat meat, only dry food. You see, everyone else finds this strange!
(G) My girl Ariel, is getting old, she is falling a lot lately and making me very nervous. The next time she goes to the vet, I will make sure I tell them. I just make sure she moves slow and I walk her down the stairs and up the stairs too. I also have to keep her on a leash outside now so she doesn't wonder off. I am very afraid she will get lost. I also tap her shoulder in the morning to wake her. It's very cute to see her look at me when I'm waking her up! She sleeps in her bed next to me and Buffy has her own bed in my room too!
(H) We must have at least 100 chipmunks in our yard...what's up with that! Does that mean a lot of snow???
3) Pass this award to 15 blogger friends, one slight problem, I can't do that so please take the award! Picking 15 friends is very hard for me!! This is a stress free blog!! :)
4) That's it! Have a great day and....
Happy First Day of Autumn!