We go to the Zoo often because it is very close by. When the kids were smaller I think I took them a couple times a month!
Today there were lots of baby animals.
This is my son feeding the deer! The last time he tried this, last year, the deer knocked him over!
He is smiling because he has all his fingers!
This is the tram I went on. For my friends who know me, they would tell you that I am VERY afraid of heights, so this on a huge accomplishment of mine to even get on it, but I did and I'm still here to tell the story!
Lots of cute little monkey's.
A beautiful peacock!
My family and friends would be the first to tell you that I celebrate the whole month for my birthday. I start on May 1st and continue until today! I tell everyone it's my birthday and it's just fun! I think because it falls on or around the Memorial Day holiday and we always had parties when I was small. Come to think of it, I still have parties some years because it is a good day to have a cook out!
Have a good day everyone!