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Well, it's about time Mom!

Hey friends, Buffy here and I'm ratting out my Mom right now. She received Rudie's first give a way a while back. Although she LOVED it, she just never showed you the bag. It's great, colorful and big! I'm thinking that she was so far behind with posting this, she now has to take it to the pet store and fill it with treats!! hehehehe

Thanks again Rudy! Your the best!

A note from Mom now...my daughter's baby is on her way!! The doctor said any day now! You never know though, she is not due for three weeks! Can you tell I'm that I'm very excited! I get all teary eyed just thinking about the baby!! I'll keep you updated!!



♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That's a great bag - love all the colors - Congrats on the win.

Now Mom, slow down, three weeks is still a ways to go for a first baby. Could be any time but could be 3-4 weeks - relax, breathe, and be happy:)

We hope that baby comes soon and is healthy and has a wonderful life - how can it not with you for a Grandma?

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

Rudy loves that you posted about the bag, it's so cute!

Wow, any day? Can't wait to hear some good news :)

Anonymous said...

YAY FOR THE BABY~!!!!!!!!!!! And ConCats on winning that really cool polka~dottie bag!

Old Kitty said...

Oh wow!! Me and Charlie are so thrilled for you and your daughter!! Oh that's just such exciting news!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!

Hello Buffy!! We think the bag is adorable!!!! Take care

Ginny Hartzler said...

This bag is way cute!! But now you need to go shopping for a diaper bag!

Remington said...

That bag is so neat! Beth said your mommy has a right to be excited! She said Grandbabies are the BEST! Keep us posted!

sprinkles said...

That's a nice looking bag. You could probably fit all kinds of dog treats in there!

I'm excited for you about your new granddaughter. My brother's girlfriend just had a baby and I'm excited for him. I just wish I could meet my nephew. Unfortunately, that's not very likely to happen.

Emma Rose said...

How exciting! A new baby coming :) And the bag is great too!

Emma Rose

Kari in Alaska said...

that sure is an awesome bag


Thor and Jack said...

Great bag! Fill it with treats is a good idea, Buffy!
Exciting news about the baby! I'm so happy for you!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Furry khool bag!

It looks just right fur stashing a baby ;=)

Paws khrossed fur the bundle to arrive safely and 'soon' but not too soon!


TwoSpecialWires said...

Whoa. Those polka dots are the best! Do you think that bag could double as a diaper bag of sorts? What exciting news! A humanpup! We sniffed one this summer, and they are heavenly!
Jake and Fergi xxoo

Lorenza said...

The bag is pawesome!
Yes... it needs to be filled with yummy treats!
I hope everything goes well with the baby!
Paws crossed here!
Kisses and hugs

Doris Sturm said...

Congratulations for winning that wonderful bag. Rudy is a generous doggy ;-)

I will say a prayer for your daughter and the baby...Grandma ;-)

Duke said...

What a colorful bag! It's very handsome, Buffy!
How exciting - a baby!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Inger said...

Deborah: All the best to your daughter. How exciting!

Buffy: What a beautiful bag! Good idea to have your mommy show it to everyone.

SheilaC said...

Can't wait to hear about the new baby! keep quilting to keep your mind off of the wait :)


the booker man said...

gratsers on your pretty polka dot baggie that you won from rudy! that is nice 'n roomy and perfect for filling with gobs of treatsies. teehee.
oh, and miss deborah, me and asa and mama are excited for you and your daughter! we can't wait to hear about your new grandbaby! we went back and looked at all the pictures from your daughter's baby shower. what a special time! :)

the booker man

Pat Wahler said...

How exciting...you get to be a Grandma! Keep us posted!


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