I want to thank all of you for your kind and heartfelt messages. I miss my Ariel and everytime I think of her I have an empty feeling in the pit of my stomach. The whole dynamic in the house has changed. It is quite now. I think with Ariel's pacing, there was noise all the time. It's a silence that even the dogs are aware of it. Buffy, Mr Chips and Winston follow me around the house and Buffy is sleeping right next to my side of the bed where as before she slept next to Ariel. I know it will get easier but for now, all we do is think of her and I'm questioning if I did the right thing and I know I did, but the thought is still there. It's crazy that she is gone but she did have a good life and I loved the way she use to smile. She was my only pet that had ever shown expressions that I could read.
Buffy is very sad and she is breathing heavy, if this doesn't stop soon, I will bring her to the vet for a check up. I think she is stressed. Although on Sunday, my mother told me Buffy was sick. She said that she thought she looked sick. I don't see that, right now, I just think she is sad.
Enjoy your weekend~
This is one of the last pictures I took of Ariel, I thought it was cute because I can only imagine her saying "what kind of dog is this?"
She was a very lucky dog to have had you to give her the best life possible. Just keep repeating this, because it is true. She left happy.
From the mom - I truly believe, even at the end, that Ariel knew you loved her and what you did was one of the kindest acts of love you can ever show to a dog. That being said - there is nothing I can say that will chase away the pain and tears - I wish words could do that for I would say a thousand words but only the passage of time will help ease that pain. I truly wish I could say that the second guessing - did I do the right thing - will totally go away but I fear I am still waiting for that day. My Angel Oreo was the first dog that I myself made that decision and that final trip to the vet with him. As I sat there in the office with Angel Oreo in my arms and watched as he began his journey across the Rainbow Bridge - i knew that was probably the hardest thing I have ever done. The second guessing does get less and less and with the passage of time, one day you will think of Ariel and have good thoughts of her and be able to smile again.
It's natural to question your decisions, but please don't torment yourself. I did that for a year over my angel cat Annie's passing. Not that I had her helped to the Bridge, that was a mercy and a kindness. But I anguished over what the vet did, the treatment/mis-treatment-misdiagnosis (?) that led to her death. I still get upset over my choices, but I didn't know better then and trusted the vet at the time (who is a very caring woman). Whether it was something she did, I did, a combo, or just Fate, I'll never know. But I do know that torturing yourself over decisions doesn't get you anything except sick and in tears and broken, when just dealing with the grief does that anyway.
I'm probably not making sense...It's very early here and I've not had enough coffee.
Just know you acted for Ariel's Highest Good, out of pure love, and that she knows this.
(((Hugs))) and Peace and Blessings.
We know exactly how you feel. Mitch grieved when he lost his sweet Maggie. It takes time. (((hugs)))to you and lots of AireKisses
Love ya lots,
Sue, Mitch and Molly
I am so sorry... I know how hard and devastating it is...
Awwwww hugs to you and Winston, Mr Chips and especially Buffy! I hope Buffy is ok! Angel Ariel had a wonderful life with her beautiful family. She is running free at the Bridge now. Take care
We are sure she is going to be missed. Run free sweet Ariel. The picture is adorable
Benny & Lily
Were still praying for you, we know that its hard to move on, But I know that your strong enough to fight loneliness, Sending our prayers and huggies for you :D
Dog Shock Collar | Puppy & Human Bond
That picture of Ariel is adorable! I sure hope Buffy is okay!
I would feel like you, but you must know how much of a wonderful mother you were. You have to remember how wonderful her life was with you all. You gave her so much love and as Ginny said above she left happy. I wish I could give you a big hug!
I would feel like you, but you must know how much of a wonderful mother you were. You have to remember how wonderful her life was with you all. You gave her so much love and as Ginny said above she left happy. I wish I could give you a big hug!
I hope Buffy is feeling more herself and all of you are coping okay. Sending you lots of love and hugs.
The Roo Family
Hi, Roo sent us. We are so sorry about the loss of your sweet Ariel.
Snuggle Bug
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