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See Mom, I told you to stop being paranoid!

Mom took me to the Vet on Wednesday because she thought I still look sick.  I know this is not the best photo of me, but really, who photographs well anyways, except for Lassie. 
 I thought I could hide under my Mom's legs...
But instead after all kinds of blood work and me gaining a few pounds (53#), I'm fine!
The doctor called yesterday and he said that I'm great but can you bring in a pee sample!

Have a great day!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Moms are like that, Buffy. Always worrying about us. We know because ours is like that too. But we are happy to know that you are just fine.

Have a nice weekend.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Old Kitty said...

Awwww sweet Buffy!!! Awww yay for you!!! You are looking absolutely gorgeous! Well done you doing well at the vets! Yay! Take care

Unknown said...

Yeah, Mom's are worry worts! Stay well sweetie!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

MadSnapper n Beau said...

now how in the world will you get a PEE sample? in a cup? i don't think so.....good luck mom

Marie said...

You are adorable! We had to get a pee sample from Rambo once...have fun mom! :)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Glad for the good report, you are a good mom. Now how on EARTH will you get that sample.... or are you kidding?

Anonymous said...

Oh Buffy! I took Riley to the vet today to get her nails trimmed. She hid under my chair/behind my legs too. Glad to hear you are doing okay!!

Elyse and Riley

Unknown said...

Oh no not the dreaded pee sample!!!! Hope you are better soon.
Best wishes Molly

Hilary said...

oh buffy... alex feels your pain....

Chicco said...

Because moms are always protective with us :)
Have a nice weekend.
Woof, woof,


Unknown said...

Your so lucky Buffy to have a loving mom.

Dog Shock Collar | Puppy & Human Bond

Anonymous said...

Glad you got a good report from the vet Buffy :) Kinda wonderin how your Mom's gonna collect that pee sample BOL this could be fun to watch Hardy Har Har :D

Waggin at ya,