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Is this what a new year looks like?

It doesn't look too bad! 

Happy New Year bloggy friends...Lilly here, not to get mushy or anything, our mother keeps telling everyone how nice you all are and how the human people just don't get it, but we do.  Thank you and our furry family is wishing your furry family's, nothing but good health, happiness, joy and love for the upcoming year. 

Lilly and Scooter


sprinkles said...

Happy New Year!!!

Fuzzy Tales said...

The new year looks like freezing rain here. :-)

A very happy new year to you all! We hope 2012 brings love, laughter, good health and LOTS of treats!

Duke said...

Happy New Year! We hope you have a happy and healthy 2012!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

MadSnapper n Beau said...

since there are not many new blogs this morning, I have more time to spend on each blog, i showed your kittypost to hubby and then showed him all your pets. that lead me to read your about you and now I am amazed at how you do all you do. wow and wow and you still take time to blog. i wish you the best new year ever with your family and furry family.

Anonymous said...

It does look like a sun shiney new year huh :D

Happy Happy New Year to all of you! :D

Waggin at ya,

Hilary said...

Happy New year! Alex & I wish you only have good things in 2012!

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww beautiful Lilly and adorable Scooter!! Happy New Year to you both and to all the family! Yay!!

2012 doesn't look too bad from where you're both sitting! Hoorah! take care

Unknown said...

Happy New Year to all of you too!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

Clive said...

Wishing you all a very happy 2012,

best wishes
Clive, Murray and family

Scooter said...

Wow, what cute kitty pix! I think this is exactly what a wonderful, exciting year should look like.
Happy New Year!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are seeing much the same new year out our windows too, although we would much prefer to see snow.

Wishes to all for 2012 to be happy, healthy, peaceful, and love-filled.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Marie said...

Happy New Year!

Barry Sarner said...

I decided long ago that there are only two beings I want in my life, animals and people who love animals. I also found that there are only two types of “people beings” in the world: INHUMANS and HUMANS WITH SOULS. Humans with Souls are the wonderful people, the heroes, who are out there saving and protecting our furbabies. Every little thing matters when it comes to helping our animals. Blogs like yours bring together Humans with Souls. It gives animal lovers all over the world a place to meet other animal lovers and read great stories about our “babies”. I’m grateful for that and I thank you very, very much. Happy New Year.

articles on animals said...

Happy new year to you all! Will be looking forward for a lot of post this year! Hope everyone have a blast this year! :)

Elliot Cotton said...

Happy New year you you too Lilly! Question: Have you all checked out the Allie Smiles Foundation? They are GREAT! I stumbled across them looking for some info about my dog. They provide cancer research for dogs while also supporting the health and well-being of other animals. Allie Smiles is making great strides in the Humane Society. Check their Facebook out! www.facebook.com/TheAllieSmilesFoundation

Ginny Hartzler said...

What an adorable picture of feline friendship. Wishing you the best in the New Year!

Checkerz86 said...

This is a pretty awesome page you have :) and will deffinately be checking this frequentingly. If you could also do me a favor and check out my animal page?
http://critterzni.blogspot.com/ I to love animals :)))

Takie said...

Wow is a cool awesome page you have! Happy new year! may this 2012 bring you a lot of fun and happiness.

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Unknown said...

love your blog you have amazing photos of your furr.
I will keep reading.

Hugs from Sunny Cambodia!


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