Hello Friends,
Scooter had his yearly physical and everything went great. As you can see, he didn't have much fun and was totally wondering what all this stuff in the exam room is for... Could you imagine if ticks were really this big...
Or if they used this stuff at every visit...
And we aren't ever going their...
Smokes & Winston got handsome haircuts on Saturday...A little blurry, but Smokes won't sit still for the camera!
Last but not least Ariel and Winston went to the vet's today for their physicals. All is fine and the vet is sticking to the story on the heat stroke with Winston...Winston cannot go out in the heat or do any kind of exercise while it is too warm! Ariel is just getting older. She will be 14 soon and she is showing signs of aging. The Doctor said to treat her like an 85 year old woman...
Well on that note, I'll let you go.
Have a great day my bloggy friends.
Awww beautiful Scooter - you are one brave kitty - well done you!
Yay for handsome Smokes and beautiful Winston and big hugs to adorable Grand Dame Ariel!!
Take care
Glad to hear Winston is doing better. I can relate to showing signs of aging, I'm beginning to show signs of aging also, Ariel. My Toy Poodle, Joey, is eleven years old, and I noticed he is beginning to slow down a bit also. And Miss Molly my cat is 11 or 12 years old, the lady who gave her to me didn't really know her exact age, but guessed around 12 years old, therefore, since I know Joey's age I just say they are both 11. Miss Molly sleeps most of the time.
Thanks for visiting My Reading Corner today, it was nice meeting you and your little animal family.
Good Job Smokes!
As a working breed, one of our jobs is keeping the humans on their toes with the flashie beast!
Great to see all the pets and to hear such good reports. We hope that Winston is OK, and sweet Ariel - 14 is amazing - just keep doing whatever you are doing.
Stay cool, everyone.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
That V-E-T could be one scary place
Benny & Lily
Oh, gosh! Well, I am glad they are all well!
It sounds like good news all around! Thank doG ticks aren't that big! YIKES!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hello, I am your new follower. I like your blog because I love animals too. I have cats,dogs,bunnies and a pony.
You have beautiful animals.
enjoyed your story of your amazing pets. and that is one scary tick. pets are like children, trips to the vet and drugs and pills and all kinds of other things, but they are worth it
Whew, you must have a HUGE vet bill taking them all in fairly close together like that.
I'm glad that everyone is doing well and got a clean bill of health.
Yikes! That is one big tick!!
P.s - Thank you for your kind words for our furiend, Muffin. :)
Glad you all got A's on your report cards :D
Waggin at ya,
Scooter, i hope that you're better now.
Have a great week.
Woof, woof,
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