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 Hi Friends, Happy Thursday!
If you're wondering, where I have been, well, I had a major cold or something of that nature.  I was so miserable it was awful!! Not too mention I was very busy at work and it was beautiful this week outside, except for tonight, it is pouring out!
 I was lucky to receive a couple of nice awards a while back...The Kreativ Blogger is from my lovely friend Gabriela at Wolf Style.  The Versatile Blogger award is from my  other nice friend, McGuffyAnn at McGuffy's Reader.  I really enjoy both these blogs and it would be great if you could visit them!
Of course these awards come with rules, but those of you who know me, I say, if you want them, please take them but please leave Buffy and my son with me! LOL
With accepting these awards, I have to admit 10 things about myself so here goes...
1)  I love animals, just in case you all didn't know that!
2) I really want to get a mini mare.  I have been looking and warned my mother! LOL  Only because I would keep her at her farm.  But again, just in case I want one, doesn't mean I'll get one! 
3) I love selling my Mary Kay.  Even though I still love my real job, the Mary Kay is like a party every time I go out to sell it!  I'm a salesperson at my real job too! I think I just like to sell and socialize!!
4) The "little one" is almost crawling and we had to gate of the kitchen and Ariel, Winston, Mr. Chips, Smokes and Buffy can't stand it!  They keep knocking the gate over.  But it is just too dangerous with all the dogs and the baby trying to crawl.
5)  Scotter, the large while Maine Coon Cat, loves the baby.  He is very patient with her.
6) The "little one" is fascinated with Mr. O'Riely, the bird.
7) I have been giving lightning lessons to my 16 year old son, he seems to think it's safe to be outside...NOT
8) We just got a little swimming pool for the baby and I'm going to use it as a tub for the dogs...right?  My daughter had fit, but lucky for me the dogs can't talk...and she doesn't read my blog!!hehehehe
9)  I think I'm pretty funny sometimes. 
10) Some people don't think I'm funny!!!
Have a great day my friends.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, you ARE funny. Look out world once the baby is crawling! Congratulations on your awards, very cool!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi Deborah,
You are talking about a little one-- a Grand baby??
An animal?? How do you do selling Mary Kay??
One week ago tonight was Bambi's last night here on this earth!! It was a long a hard night probably for both of us!! She was ready to go though, I wish she had wanted to stay around but she didn't. I miss her like you wouldn't believe!!!! I talk to her all day long!! One day I'll get another dog. Tom says Happy is next!!!
Thanks again for your visit!!
xx, Fern

Julia Williams said...

Some people don't think I am funny either, but who cares? LOL.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Heehee! Great answers!

Old Kitty said...

Awwww glad to know you are feeling better!! Take it easy and rest and please get more better! Yay!!

Awwww what fab awards, congratulations!! A mini mare will be so super adorable!! The Little One is sounding so super cute!! Take care

My Mind's Eye said...

Hi Deborah....oh my we hope you are on the mend now. There are several evil bugs roaming the air waves. My Dad had a tummy issue earlier...I offered to share my Fancy Feast with him but he was not amused.
Hugs madi

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

Congrats! Nice awards, and yes it is nicer to have a baby :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i think you are funny and i will not tell your daughter about the pool and the dogs because i would do it to

Lorenza said...

I am happy to know you are feeling better!
Congratulations on your awards!
I loved reading those things about you!
I think you are funny!
Happy weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Hilary said...

You love animals? really? I never wuold have guessed....