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Ice storm!!

Well, our snow levels didn't change that much from yesterday.  Maybe an additional 2 inches of snow.  This is the same fence that I took a picture of yesterday to show the difference but with all the ice we got, the snow got packed down which means....
Buffy can walk on the snow!! How much fun is that!!! You can hear the crunch, crunch, crunch when they walk...
Hey, this is cool!
Mr. Chips has had enough of this, he's coming back inside!
This is the icy view from my office.  When you sit at my desk, you just look at a block of ice that covers the whole window!  Crazy weather!
Have a great and warm day!



Anonymous said...

Just booked our trip to mexico...We've had enough of the cold.. stay warm

Canidae Pet Blog Editor said...

Wow -- that's a lot of snow! But I think the icicles are kind of cool looking.

Unknown said...

I sure remember days like yours! Lived in Sharon MA for 25 yrs.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

So this is a good thing? Guess you really don't need more snow, right? The Momster is hoping we don't get any ice on top of our snow because she worries we could catapult over the fence quite easily.

Stay warm and safe.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Doris Sturm said...

How lovely - maybe next year I'll be able to share some photos of snow and white beauty from outside!

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

You guys have a furry good amount of snow!
We've not had any snow in over a month... Rudy's wishing we'll get some more soon!
Love the pictures,

Rudy's Raiser

Two French Bulldogs said...

The weather is so nutty. Its even freezing here, 55 degrees. BOL
Benny & Lily

Lorenza said...

That ice in the window is... is... pawesome and cold! Brrr...
Mr. Chips sure is smart! Oh-oh!
Happy Wednesday!
Kisses and hugs

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh gosh!! That last shot is really something else!

Nicole said...

Gosh that looks beautiful :) I wonder what my dogs would think of snow ;p would be funny to see!

The Arrival, only .99c on Amazon/Smashwords

Duke said...

That's exactly how our yard looks and our driveway and walkways and patio. OMG, we need to get rid of this ICE! Ice is no fun!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Luv the view from your office window! The icicles are just beautiful. Yeah I know this comes from a warm and toasty Florida dog ;) Y'all would probably like to take a sledge hammer to them BOL! They make me smile though :D Thanks!

Waggin at ya,

PeeS: BOL! my little scramble word is 'chili' Ha!

ACS said...

Great Pictures - enjoyed reading your posts!