I took my Mother, her dog, Gypsy and Mr. Chips to the Blessing of the Pets today. Today is not only my Mother's birthday; it is the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. Many Catholic churches all over the country have Blessings of the Animals ceremonies and I just happen to find one in the next town! It was beautiful day and after the Priest read a prayer, he blessed each and every animal with Holy Water and there must have been at least fifty pets that went.

Mr. Chips and Gypsy thinking about what they are doing!

Happy Birthday Mom! (My Mom has double billing, I put her on my other blog also!!)

Mr. Chips is barking at all the other dogs!
Gypsy had a great day!

This is Oscar, a 13 1/2 year old pug! His Dad said I could put his photo on the blog. He's a little cutie!
I would have liked to bring my dog to one of these, as we had several here, but I don't think she would have enjoyed it much since she's afraid of men.
Tank woo fur sharing this!
AND Happy Birthday to YOUR mom!
We are working our way through the blogs on the later side since Mom did a furry special transport on Sunday!
Thank you for visiting my blog and your comment..I have sadly neglected it for a while. You have a beautiful blog and I look forward to returning..I cried my own tears this morning when I reread my own post. I pray God watches over each and everyone of them.
Happy belated birthday to your Mother. We had the blessing of the animals here too. It's a wonderful day and I'm glad you shared your photos with us.
We didn't have a blessing at our church although others in the area did. We will have to plan on going next year. Happy birthday to your Mom!!!
Woos, the OP Pack
Pee Ess, love the music
Wow, never heard about that! We are not allowed to take our pets in the church, even at the Catholics. I have to ask one of the Greek-catholic priest, who is a friend of mine, about a blessing for the animals. I love the idea.
Oh, sorry, happy birthday to your mom!!
We've celebrated today, too - the 7th anniversary of our marriage.
Hello! Thank woo for visiting my blog and leaving your comments. We luv making new friends!! We luv the look of your blog, very chic!! Happy birthday to your Mom and here's to many many more good happy healthy years to come!!
Maxx and Mommy
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