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Miss Lilly thinks I should be blogging again....

WOW!!!  We did it!  I mistakenly let my domain expire for three weeks and I lost my blog.  Take my word for it friends, do not ever do that!!!  I'm so excited to be blogging again!  So much has happened.  I still have some of my pets and a few have crossed to rainbow bridge.  As my Mom passed also in December.  The emptiness I feel is unbearable, but I take it day by day.  My pets bring me peace and love like none other.  OK, except for my son and daughter and my beautiful little grand daughter who just started kindergarten last week!!!!   Welcome to my blog friends. I hope you enjoy my pets as much as I do!!!


Pat Wahler said...

Technology. Drives me crazy, but I can't function without it. Welcome back to the blogging world.

Critter Alley

Deborah said...
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Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh boy that sounds like a nightmare
Lily & Edward

Marie said...

I'm so sorry for your loss of loved ones.
It's so great to see you back! I totally remember you. :) I haven't been blogging as much as I'd like to, sometimes life just gets so hectic and all the fabulous people in blogland understand.
Miss Lilly is not only cute, but smart. :)

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh my goodness Deborah it has been a very long time. Welcome back.
We are so very sorry for the loss of your precious mom and pets. We remember how much you loved each babe
Hugs madi and mom

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wow, it seems like forever. Thanks for today's comment because it made us check to see if you were still here.

Life is tough sometimes when it comes to the furries. Not sure when you were last here but we have lost both Thunder and Phantom. We miss them very much.

Woos - Ciara and Lightning

MadSnapper n Beau said...

welcome back, I was shocked to see you appear in my feedly.. it has been a long time and I looked at your older post and see you lost a lot of your friends. Miss lily is right and glad you listened. I can't even imagine losing my blog. that is scary