Really Mom, almost a month...What a month it's been too...her cousins came to visit from sunny Florida, her Mom was sick and Bernie is now in rehab with Parkinson's disease...soon to come home and my Mom has to drive her Mom back and fourth twice a day and work and blah, blah, blah...
Like she's the only busy person in America...haha
We, for fun will post these pictures on what has been happening. Tomorrow is Buffy's 13'th birthday...really 13!!! She looks great for 13!
This is not for the weak...Winston has this weird growth on his paw and has been being treated with three different meds for a month!
He is doing better now!!
Cousins from Florida!
My Mom's, Mom and Bernie on Father's day!
Sophie is keeping an eye on you!!
Grandma's been busy...Grandma's been busy...
My human brother with his fishing lure getting cut out of his finger!!Oh what fun!!
It's been very hot in the East and my Mother's cousin bought my Mom this cake because he thought it was funny how everyone from New England talks about a 90 degree day....he's from Florida!
Have a happy day my friends!
Mr. Chips
Happy Birthday Buffy!!
i am breathless just reading all this, wow you have been busy. sorry to hear Bernie has Parkinson, my dad had it and it is a sad disease. but then they all are. a fish hook? oh my... and that is a big wire cutter the doc has. we will be waiting when your merry go round life slows down. it is hOT here to, but then we are used to it
No wonder you hardly ever post lately!! I hope you do not get too run down, and I am so sorry to hear about Bernie...will he ever come home? How is your mom taking this?
Happy Birthday Buffy! Have a great weekend!
Lovies, Miss Mindy
Oh my goodness!! Awww your poor mum must be so exhausted! Awww!! Winston - please get better! And your human brother too - ow and yikes!!
Healing hugs to Bernie!!
Gorgeous Buffy! happy birthday!! Take care
Happy Birthday Buffy you don't look a day over 10!!
You all have had a very busy fun month. Stay cool and have a nice weekend,
Madi your BFFF
Gosh it is all go for you. We wish you a stress free weekend and some rest.
Best wishes Molly
you need a vacation, BOL
Benny & Lily
Poor Mom, she has really been so busy. Hope life settles down soon. And Happy Birthday to Buffy! Thirteen is pawesome. All paws crossed for Winston.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Happy Birthday, Buffy!
Wow, your mom really HAS been busy!
I hope Bernie is doing ok.
Happy Birthday Buffy! I'm in Florida and I'm already sick of the heat.LOL
I'm sure your family enjoyed your weather. :)
Catching your finger with a fishing lure doesn't sound like any fun! OUCH!
Roxanne had a little growth similar to Winston's, but hers went away. I hope he's doing well now.
Have a fabulous week!
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