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I think somebody can't make up her mind!

What are you looking at!  I hate to sleep my myself!



Ginny Hartzler said...

Glad to see they are all that friendly!!

♥ Helen said...

That is so cute. Most of my animals like to sleep alone...

Old Kitty said...

Awww beautiful Buffy! You just want company to snuggle with! Yay! Take care

Duke said...

Mom says togetherness is a wonderful thing!

Love ya lots,

Unknown said...

Such coziness!
Lovies, Miss Mindy

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL a communal bed!! What great pics
Hugs Madi

MadSnapper said...

these pics have me laughing so hard i can't type. priceless, pets are so funny, i am sure each of them has their own, but they always want the one the other is own. we only have two, but they do the same thing with their pillows. LOVE this! thanks for the morning laugh

Two French Bulldogs said...

Aaahhhh you guys sharing
Benny & Lily

Hilary said...

Buffy I can't blame you...

Anonymous said...

ME, TOO! Very cute pictures. Hugs!

Marie said...

These are sweet pics! Hope you're having a great weekend!

sprinkles said...

I love to snuggle up while I sleep too.

Remington said...

So sweet! Thank you so much for the positive thoughts while I was ill this past weekend! I appreciated it!

Furry Bottoms said...

LOL that made me giggle! I hate to sleep by myself too.

Bassetmomma said...

Hee!Hee! That is too cute!

Anonymous said...

Jeff loves the Blue Heeler :)