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Knock, Knock

 Anyone home! Mom, I'm telling you, your slacking...what's going on...I can tell you what's going...
Our Mom is working too much! This is not her office...she loves this office...it's her imaginary office...ok, she weird, and that's not her door either!   Mom has been super busy with her real J>O>B> and her fun job at Mary Kay Cosmetics!  This last picture is of my human sister, Mom, and my human niece, Penny's daughter at a Mary Kay event!  Mom is in the top five of sales in her area.  What ever the heck that means...

As for me, I'm getting old and my Mom says I pace too much...back and forth all day and all night.  I hear her say I have demencia and she is very sad about this...pace pace pace...

I say, have a great weekend!!



Marie said...

Ariel, you are just adorable there in your bed. :) You do as your mommy tells you, she knows what's best for you. I like that front door and the office is beautiful! You're mommy, sis and niece look so pretty! I know your mommy is a very busy lady. :) I'm happy to see her again. Have a terrific weekend!

Bassetmomma said...

You're looking pretty cute in your bed there! Yay for your Momma being in the top five sales of her area! Good job! Have a good weeekend!

47 said...

awwww how cute!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The door is just gorgeous, and I am glad you are having fun with your job, and being successful! Maybe the pacing is just nerves? Has a vet said?

Old Kitty said...

Awwww beautiful Ariel!! Awww you just do what makes you happy - hope you are ok though? When my angel kitty was very old and had slight dementia, she would howl suddenly and I'd pick her up and comfort her and she'd be ok again. The vet said it was part of her being old.

Your mum and family are beautiful!! Yay for her being super duper at her job!

Take care

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is a really nice dream office and you night just get it with your mary kay sales. so sorry to hear about pups dementia.

Unknown said...

Very nice pics! Keep up the great work!

Two French Bulldogs said...

what a cute picture
Benny & Lily

pet food said...

It sound's like you have a very successful career and business. Aside from being busy you are also a animal lover.Very inspiring.

sprinkles said...

I hope you'll cut your mom some slack. We've all had real life get in the way and keep us too busy to blog.

So sorry to hear that Ariel has dementia. That must be difficult to watch her go downhill.

nancygrayce said...

I guess if you're in the top five, you're working towards that pink cadillac!