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Merry Christmas Friends

A day late, but I wanted to wish you all very Merry Christmas and thank you for all your kind messages on Penny's passing. 
I have honestly never seen so many people attend a wake, it was a true testament on how many people she touched.  I even joked afterwards that I wondered where she hid all these friends!!!
The night of her funeral, her cat of 18 years died.  Gracie Cat was their when she died and she never left her side.  She stopped eating and wouldn't leave the room.  Penny's son-in-law is a vet and Cheanoa a family friend who is also a vet both examined Gracie Cat and she went into kidney failure and died that night.  It was so sad, her grandchildren live with her also, so it's been very hard on the 3 year old. 

Don't you just love this picture of my granddaughter!  She is couldn't get away from Santa fast enough.
But she did have fun yesterday!  She is such a little blessing and she makes us smile too! She is talking a little bit now.  She got a few little baby dolls and she says "Baby" and "Dora", she loves Dora.  I got her the Dora kitchen and she loves it! 

I hope you all have a nice day! 



Old Kitty said...

Oh poor Gracie Cat! I am so sorry to hear of her passing too. I'd like to think that she is now with sweet Penny and they are both angels enjoying the rainbow bridge looking out for all of you. Hugs to Penny's grandchildren too.

Aww your granddaughter is adorable, so cute. Great to read she is now also forming words! Yay!

Take care

MadSnapper n Beau said...

a sad story, but Gracie would have suffered missing her Penny, so it is not as bad as it could be to me. your little one is sooo cute

Unknown said...

I'm certain Penny and Gracie are together! Your grandaughter is adorable!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Deborah, I had missed your last post and did not know about Penny till now. I am so very sorry. I know this was a big shock, as you were both going to fight again, then all of a sudden...My mom died at this time of the year a few years ago, so I know about having to deal with it. Penny knew how loved she was and she had wonderful family, and now she is dancing and shouting for joy! It is only those of us left on earth who are mourning.

sprinkles said...

That's so sad about Gracie. At least now she and Penny can be together again.

Your granddaughter is a cutie! She's gotten so big.

Marie said...

Your granddaughter is such a cutie! Glad you had a nice Christmas!

Duke said...

How sad about Gracie Cat. At least she and Penny are together.
Your granddaugher is such a cutie!