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We are happy because....

Hello friends, Smokes is still taller than my grandbaby!  He is soooo good with her.  He just looks and walks away and only he knows what he is thinking, but no matter what she does, like pull his hair, he just leaves the area.  It is amazing to me how the pets leave her alone...they know she is only small and no bother!  Ariel is the only one that I keep at a distance, she never liked kids, even as a puppy!  Now she is 14 and really doesn't like kids!!  Nothing ever happened, she would just rather hang out with adults!!
Anyways, speaking of Ariel, she fell in the pool the other night and could not get out.  I was with her, so it was controlled chaos.  but you know how I think, always the worst. I honestly think she would have drowned if I wasn't with her.  She just couldn't get out or find the stairs in the shallow area.  It was awful.  I didn't have to jump in, when she got to the edge, I reached in and pulled her out.  I was calling for my 16 year old to jump in for her, but I would have if he didn't come running.  
Now on another note, Buffy has Lyme disease.  She will be OK, but she had stopped eating and just didn't look her happy self.  So I took her in and sure enough, she has Lyme.
Another busy week!
Take care and have a great day!
Why is my grandbaby so happy...it's almost her birthday!  Can you believe she is almost a year old!! 


sprinkles said...

Wow, it's hard to believe your granddaughter is almost a year old!

So sorry to hear about Buffy. I'm glad to hear that she'll be ok. Still scary though!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Are you planning a big birthday? I hope you post pictures! Gosh, what havoc is going on there. I guess it's very hard to diagnose lyme on an animal, you can't see the bulls eye rash. Did you find the tick or had it gone?

Duke said...

It sounds like there's never a dull moment at your house! We hope that Buffy will be okay!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

We are sending prayers for Buffy. Hope today goes smoother! Cute little grandbaby.

Anonymous said...

Prayers for Buffy!
Happy 1st birthday! Looking forward to party pictures!
I'm very happy Ariel is okay and that you were there.
Have a fun weekend!

Scooter said...

Wow, I'm sending my healing thoughts to Buffy for a quick recovery...(*%$@*%^$@ ticks anyway! Sorry about the pool incident, but sounds like all is okay now. Cute mini two-legger!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Old Kitty said...

Oh me and Charlie are sending sweet Buffy lots of purrs and healing hugs!! Awwww we hope she gets better soon! Poor thing!!

Hugs too to Ariel! What a fright that must be for you - glad she got rescued!!!

Yay for sweet Smokes!!And your grandbaby is ADORABLE!!! What a cutie!! Take care

MadSnapper said...

a happy and truly adorable baby, she looks so cute and full of JOY. sorry to hear about Buffy and glad Ariel survived here dump in the pool. Jake fell in at the deep in last year, and did the same thing, bob and i were both out, so we ran to the side where he was trying to climb out and yanked him up. when we bought our home 22 years ago, the day we moved in our dog Max, was used to wading at the bay. he saw the pool and went straight out in the pouring rain and walked off the side. he was 60 pounds and went into panic mode and so did we, he could swim but had no idea where the stairs were and we had 20 minutes to get to closing on the house, we were leaving my son with Max. we all three got soaked to the skin, got him out and son stayed home, him and the wet dogs, and we went to closing looking like drowned rats. all the furniture and towels were in the moving truck in the driveway. we could not move in until we closed. closing was at 4;30, we sat down and they passed me the survey to sign and i said THAT is NOT our house. we thought we could not close, but at 5 to 5 they faxed the correct one.

Fawn (Skat the Cat) said...

I'm new to this blog but I enjoyed reading your posts about your animals, kids and granddaughter. Keep it up! Anyways, I am really excited to see party pictures of your granddaughter on her first birthday! :)
Big hugs to Buffy. I'm praying for her quick recovery.

Sage said...

OMD, that was some week! Sounds like "never a dull moment"--sorta like our house. Your Granddaughter is SOOOO cute! Happy almost birthday to her.

Oskar said...

I'm sorry about the Lyme disease & the pool accident. I'm glad you were there.

Nubbin wiggles,