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You won't find any snow here!

 The doggy nanny sent me an email that all is going well at home and the crew is doing fine!
I thought I would would show you some pictures from Grand Cayman.  I use to bring the kids swimming when they were younger in the above picture. It is very shallow in front of the reef.  
 This is a seagull trying to hang on in the wind yesterday.
 I have no idea what these flowers are but they are beautiful and you can see them all over the island.
 You literally see hundreds of these iguana's here,  they are everywhere. Small ones and big ones!
This sunset was taken last night!
Sad news though, my mothers dog, Dolly, went to Rainbow Bridge today.  My mother is with me and is very sad.  My sister-in-law was taking care of Dolly and her other two dogs while she is on vacation.  Dolly had been very sick the past few months and I honestly think she waited for my mother to leave.  Please keep my Mom and Dolly in your prayers.
Dolly at "15" years old.



♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

The Mom thinks that looks like a most delightful place to be - warm and sunny. We all hope you are enjoying yourself.

But we are also sorry about Dolly. Hugs to your Mom from all of us. We have heard of that happening, where our beloved pups want to spare us the saying good bye. But it must be very hard. All our good thoughts to her.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wonderful pictures!! I love the bird, I've never seen a gull with such a big orange beak! The sunset and flowers are amazing! I'm so sorry about Dolly! But I am glad it happened while your mom is with you and in this beautiful place, maybe that will help. I will pray for her.

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

Those pictures look so warm!

I'm so sorry to hear about Dolly, we know how hard it is to lose a friend.

Rudy's Raiser

Two French Bulldogs said...

Great pictures. So sorry for Dolly
Benny & Lily

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

I'm sorry for the loss of Dolly.

Duke said...

We are so very sorry to hear about Dolly.
Enjoy those warm temps! What beautiful pictures!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

Hugs and prayers for your Mom. May she find peace in such a beautiful place!

Kea said...

Hugs and purrs to your mom, as she grieves for Dolly. We're so sorry...We hope that in time your mom's memories of Dolly will comfort her and warm her heart.

Old Kitty said...

Oh no! :-( Me and Charlie are so so so so so sorry to hear about adorable Dolly! What a sweetheart! We are sending your mum - and all of you - lots of purrs and hugs.

p.s. Grand Cayman looks so amazing - all that beautiful scenery and fabulous wildlife!!! Wonderful - thanks for sharing these pics! Take care

Canidae Pet Blog Editor said...

So very sorry for the loss of Dolly. The vacation pics are beautiful, esp. the flowers.

Lorenza said...

I am so sorry to know about Dolly.
Our thoughts are with your Mom.
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Hilary said...

I am so sorry for you and your mom's loss... How hard it must have been to have been away when it happened.... I am glad you are with your mom at this awful time...

Chicco said...

What a beautiful island!
Happy san Valentine!

Woof,woof Chicco

Thor said...

That's a beautiful place!

So sorry to hear about Dolly. Keeping her and your mom in our thoughts and prayers.

Thor xx

Golden Samantha said...

What bootiful photographs of such a gorgeous place! We have just met you through MM and thinks you are furry generous to have sponsored the Shameless Dogs 3rd place which my sissie, Avalon won! We just wanted to connect - can't find an email to reach you anywhere on blog or FB??? Love your site - and BARN!!! So pretty against the snow!!! And we can't even seem to get into the V's Day post, so we wish you a furry Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie, Avalon and Ozzie

Anonymous said...

the dog is in my prayers God bless