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We want to thank you for all the great Christmas cards we received!!

 I loved these cards so much, I decided to hang them up!

 I also want to thank all of you who sent E-Cards...very talented if I do say so myself!
The "Little One" has more good news, Santa Paws is coming tomorrow!!! 


Kari in Alaska said...

We've just loved all the Christmas Cards :)


Olive said...

Mom was a bit jealous here.. when I got more cards than she did! BOL!!

Licks from Olive

♥ Sallie said...


And thank you for your card!


Anonymous said...

Wow you guys are soo lucky to have all those cards. we are a bit jealous. Have a great holiday

Two French Bulldogs said...

Do you believe all these beautiful cards! Mom and the mailman are jealous
Benny & Lily

Doris Sturm said...

Wow - what a bunch of Christmas cards - You are loved!

I wish you and yours a very merry Christmas

with Love,
Doris and Gizzy

Those Elgin Pugs said...

BeauTeeful collection of cards~
and the "little one" is adorables!!

Hope Santa Man brings her lots~

IzZY, Josie, TriXie and Anakin Man

Old Kitty said...

Wonderful beautiful cards!! yay!! Awww The Little One is so adorable!!! And a bringer of GREAT NEWS!! Yay again!! Take care

Fred Alton said...

Merry Christmas! We used to thumb-tack our cards all around the doors, windows and walls ... but now just place them in a huge dish. It's such fun to hear from folks at this time of year. Be Blessed.

Duke said...

What beautiful cards and so many of them! You are obviously well loved.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Clive said...

What a fantastic amount of lovely Christmas cards you received!

Wishing you a very Happy Christmas from all the gang here ...

Clive & Co

sprinkles said...

Nice collection of cards you have there! I should hang mine all up too.

It's been fun going to the mailbox and seeing it full of cards. I'll be disappointed when Christmas is over and I won't be getting them anymore.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Khwite the pawesome khollekhtion!

We've enjoyed seeing all the khards shared on the posts!


Thor and Jack said...

Wow, that´s lot of cards! Wish a very Merry Christmas to you all!

Ginny Hartzler said...

You can feel the love in the kitchen now. I'm loving your background!!