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Spooky Wordless Wednesday!


Kea said...

You make a purrfect Halloween centerpiece! :-)

Kari in Alaska said...

Its that time of year!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Ahh, that is a great pic!!! You are so ready for Halloween.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

sprinkles said...

I love that mat made of stones! Sorry, I know I'm supposed to be looking at your beautiful kitty cat but that mat is too cool!

I totally get your daughter not wanting to release her daughter's name. I don't know how I'd feel about that either, actually.

Lorenza said...

Spooky?? Nope!
Kisses and hugs

Ginny Hartzler said...

I like your pumpkin tree and witch feet candle holders! And that runner looks like real rocks!! Interesting idea to have a living centerpiece on your table!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Verrrrrry scarrrrrrE
Benny & Lily

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww you're far too lovely and cute to be spooky!! :-)Take care

The Silver Age Sara said...

:-) Very festive!

Clive said...

Great photo!

We love Halloween so much!

take care
Clive and Murray

My Mind's Eye said...

Deborah congratulations on the birth of your beautiful granddaughter!!!

Lots of fun days to come.

Madi and Mom

Remington said...

Great pic! Beth here....is that a spinning wheel I see in the background? Do you spin too?

Jacqueline said...

A lovely Halloween photo!...I've missed you guys while busy moving and hope all is well...I am having a special post tomorrow (Oct. 7) about my first baby, Nikki; hope you can visit...Hugs, sweet friend.

Terrorzinhos said...

love your photos!
Love your blog!
Big kisses and licks from Portugal!

Unknown said...

Love your blog -we are new followers from reading about you on PBU

Anonymous said...

EXCELLENT picture!

Hilary said...

I love your halloween setup! So festive - and that mat, is WAY cool! Of course, the best part is the beautiful kitty!