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Let the Church Bells Ring!!

Yeah! The miners were saved!

God Bless the Chile miners and everyone who helped with the rescue!  I am so happy they were saved!! Can you imagine, over one billion people were watching this on TV...  Good news for the whole world.  This is definitely a feel good moment!



♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

And such a worldwide collaboration of effort to make it happen!!! It was just so wonderful to watch.

Yas said...

So happy for all of them!

Maxx and family

Two French Bulldogs said...

what a great story
Benny & Lily

Lorenza said...

We are soooooo happy now!
Kisses and hugs

Ginny Hartzler said...

I hear that they all have many movie and book offers waiting for them. So hopefully they will never have to go in a mine again!

Martha said...

The world is united in happiness to see these miners rescued. A wonderful day yesterday!
Martha and Bailey xxx

Duke said...

We were so happy to see each miner being reunited with his loving family!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Old Kitty said...

It was such a joy to watch and see that all the miners being rescued!! Great news for the country and for their family and friends!!! Yay!!!!!! What a brilliant happy ending!!!

Take care

My Mind's Eye said...

AMEN!!! 33 miracles!!!
Madi and Mom

BlueRidge Boomer said...

What a great example of "true teamwork"!


Remington said...

This is the most amazing thing EVER!

Jacqueline said...

So happy for them, what a terrible ordeal=their rescue was wonderful news yesterday!...Too bad about the wife/girlfriend encounter, that was awful!...Happy day, sweet friend.

Anonymous said...

A wonderful moment!

Bobbie said...

Always loving happy endings :) blessings to all, bobbi & gracie

sprinkles said...

Wonderfully exciting news!

I was thinking about them last night and how awful it must've been for them being stuck down there. If they didn't have faith before, I bet they do now!

Scooter said...

Yes it is great that they are rescued. I have an award for you on my blog


Thor and Jack said...

I am so happy too!

Dog with Blog said...

Wonderful news;)