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Asking for your prayers *** UPDATE****

 Hi Friends,

This is my niece's baby, Penny's daughter, her baby was due the day after my daughter's baby. She had her baby yesterday, twelve days late! She had a beautiful baby girl 7 # 5 oz  and my niece had very serious complications.   Both her arteries into the uterus were torn from the attached placenta.  She lost two-thirds of her blood and is in serious condition.  Yesterday it was grave  and this morning she is having surgery.  I am asking for as many prayers, good thoughts you can send.  This is very serious and I appreciate all your prayers for her.  When I left her last night, she was talking and was very weak.   That fact that she  was talking was a blessing because they were keeping her in a twilight sleep after she gave birth.  She had several transfusions also.  This is horrible and very scary. 

My niece is doing great! Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes.  They are moving slow with her and they are pretty sure she will make a full recovery and will not have to have a hysterectomy.  The Doctor said this type of problem only happens about once every two - three months.  It was not her arteries as they first thought, they think it was something to do with her blood vessels, they still are not sure why she hemorrhaged or what caused it, they just said that if she had a home delivery, it would have been a lot  worse for her.  This is why he doesn't like home deliveries.   She still has a long road ahead of her, but she looked 100% better than last night! 
I will keep you posted!

Thank you again and again!


Martha said...

We are so sorry to hear about your niece. Her new little daughter is beautiful and you never expect these complications.
It is so very scary for all of you.
We will her in our thoughts and prayers.
Take care xx

Kea said...

Oh, my goodness! :-(

We are sending prayers and purrs and healing Light to your niece; please keep us updated if you are able.

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Many prayers and good thoughts are coming your way! Keep us posted!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Anonymous said...

We are so sorry to hear about your niece and her complications. We will send our healing purrs her way. Her daughter is precious.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh how awful!!! I'm so sorry. I will pray for her. Does she have other children? The baby is just beautiful!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Paws khrossed here with Sibe and Golden Vibes headed to all -

What a khutie!

Please keep us posted!

Khyra, The Golden Khousins, and Phyll

Old Kitty said...

Oh Deborah!! My goodness!! Me and Charlie are sending tons of hugs and love and healing purrs and prayers for Penny!! We are sending infinite positive vibes too!!!

Penny's daughter is adorable! We hope mum will be ok!!! Take care

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That is one very beautiful baby girl who needs to have her Mom in her life. We have our paws crossed and Mom will absolutely offer some prayers for your niece to recover 100%. Please do keep us updated.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Duke said...

Our paws are crossed and many prayers are being said for your niece. We are hoping for the very best!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Piappies World said...

Hello Debbie,

She is really a very beautiful baby and we have your niece in our thoughts and prayers. We have all the piappies paws crossed and I join them as we say a special prayer for her.

Piappies Mom
Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh no I am so sorry to hear this.. You have my prayers, thoughts and love comming your way..I will keep your niece in my thoughts and prayers.. Love carol and GJ x

Nubbin' Tails said...

So sorry to hear this. Keeping you all in our prayers!


Mr. Nubbin'

Oskar said...

We are so sorry to hear this. We will be sedning pawerful prayers for her healing.

Nubbin wiggles and hugs,
Oskar & Pam

Cocorue said...

we are glad your niece is better and we pray she continues to heal as that precious baby needs her. we will continue to pray till she's home with her beautiful daughter....

please send her our best wishes for a speedy recovery, tQ


Lorenza said...

My mom read on our GR a part of your post but she could not leave you a comment but she was praying since then!
Glad to know things are much better at this time!
Paws crossed!
Kisses and hugs

TwoSpecialWires said...

We're sorry about your niece and very glad she's getting good care. We'll keep her in our prayers.

Jake and Fergi

Kari in Alaska said...

we are so sorry but the update sounds promising


Two French Bulldogs said...

wow that is crazy...all good vibes sent their way
Benny & Lily

Doris Sturm said...

I'm so sorry I'm running behind with commenting - I'm very glad your niece is doing better. She sure has an adorable little baby who needs her mommy :-) God bless them both and you for being so kind :-)

Martha said...

Thank you for the update - we are bouncing up and down over here in Scotland!
Great news. Tell your neice we send all our love and best wishes - her new baby is adorable xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Wonderful updated news about your niece! Warmest wishes and most positive thoughts for a fast and full recovery :)

Hugs to all of you,

the booker man said...

miss deborah,
i'm just now readin' about your niece...what a scary thingie to happen to her! i am so so glad that she is recovering and is going to be a-okay. me and asa and mama will put our paws together for her as she continues to feel the betterment. her baby girl is very precious like.

the booker man