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It was Take Your Pets to Work Day on Friday!

On Friday, it was take your pet's to work day, but seeing I work out of my house, it was a pretty easy transition...I had to only give a few helpful tips to my secretarial crew! The very first item of the day was to get the coffee! Then, get dressed, just in case we had to make a sales call!

I informed Smokes, that it is extremely important to always look busy, even if your not!

The calls started to come in and Mom spends most of the day on the phone taking orders and answering questions...reading other people blogs....(don't tell her boss that!)

It's time for a break, in the middle of Mom's day she will run errands or go to her Mom's house. In my Mom's world, anything could happen, so she said you have to remain as flexible as possible and don't worry about little problems, it's only the big ones that matter! So if a customer calls yelling, that hardly ever happens, she will do two things, solve the problem
and not do business with them anymore. All of Mom's customer's are wonderful people and
very pleasant to deal with. She only has "happy" customers and has had this rule since she started in sales, many, many years ago! A lot of people don't agree with her, but if you have to work, then you mind as well surround yourself with nice people!

She said when your on the phone with the clients, you must take a lot of notes so you don't forget anything. Always get their names too, just in case they give your wrong information...Mom said that happens a lot!

Buffy is still trying to solve the world problems and she doesn't know where to start...I tell her to start small and then move on to the bigger issues.

When I'm working, most of my pets hang with me in my office. The cats are asleep on the couch,
The dogs are all around me. Ariel will sleep under my desk and Buffy sleeps in front of the door, Mr.Chips and Winston will sleep on the doggy bed behind my chair. Smokes is usually in the other office. Mr. O'Riely is in my office also and when I'm talking on the phone you will hear him singing in the background. Sometimes, if I'm on a conference call I have to move him out of my office!
I hope you enjoyed our day at the office!
I hope your enjoying your weekend!
Have a great day!


D.K. Wall said...

Wish I worked at home - would be great having the Herd underfoot all day. But, they did not go with me on Friday. Something about wanting to be employed this coming week, too.

Kea said...

Aw, what a great day at the office you had! :-)

I'd love to be able to have my cats with me; all my co-workers would love to bring their fur companions, I think. Of course, I (we) might not get as much done....LOL.

Elizabeth Mahlou said...

My goodness, where do you find room for all your pets?!

Doris Sturm said...

That was fun and I love how everyone's so efficient in sleeping "around" (he, he, he)....there's a lot of that going on here too :-)

Happy, happy Joy Joy!

Duke said...

It sounds like you guys have the perfect set-up with your mom working from home! We are also very fortunate that our mom and dad are home with us all the time and that we get to go to work with them a whole lot!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Two French Bulldogs said...

What a busy day you guys had. You are going to need a well deserved vacation.
Benny & Lily

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! YES it was. My dads office did not allow it. My mom works from home too and I'm so used hanging out in the office room just like you guys. For me, it was just like any other day. Happy Weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a great take your pet to work day you all had! Our human sisters would both love to have jobs that would allow them to work from home. This was such a very cute and creative post.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Lorenza said...

Sure is pawesome to be there with your mom every working day!
I wish I could go with my mom... but that is just a dream!
Happy Sunday!
Kisses and hugs


so cute so lovel, they bring you joy

Pat Wahler said...

Ahhhh, working from home. How I'd love to do that!


Kari in Alaska said...

mine were also with me as I worked from home :)

My Mind's Eye said...

DEBORAH THIS IS SO FUNNY!!! Thank you for the lol today, Tuesday. We had company over the weekend so I am very late stopping by,
Madi and Mom

Anonymous said...

What a funny post! What can I say? We go to work with mom every day!!!