This is definitely a feel good moment, "
Toby's Memory Award" and wishing that Toby will always be happy and to Toby's human who taught him well! Every time I look at a guide dog, I do think of Toby, this is a feel good moment to me!
I hope you have a feel good moment too!
I recall seeing this somewhere else, too. We didn't follow Toby's blog, but he seems like he was a special dog. Happy trails to him!
That is great! I do have several feel good moments....
yesh toby and his human raiser are furry much shpecial and we all wish him many good lucks in his new home
pibble wiggles
the pittie pack
That is LOVELY!!!
Thank you!
Toby would be proud to know that his friends are posting about him,
Toby's Raiser
What a great award for Toby
Benny & Lily
Wonderful award for Toby!!!!
There is nothing like a freshed picked tomatoe!!!
All my injuries in the last 10 years have been very hard on my body!! Most of those falls have hurt my shoulders and neck and upper back which puts a damper on my sewing. I an going to try!!!
I was very happy when Tobby's trainer was prompted to and decided to create this. I think it helped her say her "goodbye" :(
That was such a nice present Toby's raiser gave to her readers. And we love how she keeps sharing photos of Toby. It won't be long and we will all be enjoying a new puppy being raised.
We love feel good moments like this too.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I miss Toby's posts, but I'm looking forward to adventures with the new pup next month!
For me it's reading lovely blogs like yours who tell me all about wonderful furry creatures like the amazing Toby and the human who taught him well!
Thank you.
Take care
this is the bestest way to remember our pal toby. he is a grrreat dude!!
the booker man
We so enjoyed Toby's posts but we are furry much looking furward to his raiser's next pup pup puppy!
Pawesome award!
Kisses and hugs
What a noble, wonderful life Toby is leading; he will be so loved and invaluable to someone who really needs him...Good luck to Toby.
I agree with you 100%. Every time I see a service dog I want to pet them but I know you aren't supposed to do that so I just smile and hope that dog can read my mind.
Madi and Mom
We met Toby right at the very end of his stay, and we know that he had a lot of bloggers that followed him and his training. We look forward to following his Raiser's new dog. I'm so glad that you have this to remember your friend by.
What a beautiful award! We are so sad we never got to know Toby.
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
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