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Sunday is a great day for a walk!

Hey friends, we went on a nice walk yesterday around the neighborhood! This time
I had to stay on a leash!Something smells really good here! I'm wondering if I can eat it!

What this! Could it be....

No, just a friendly neighborhood dog that wanted to play...

Oh boy, more good smelling stuff...

Pretty daffodils...

This is a pretty lake across the street from our home!
Notice the sign, NO TRESPASSING!

Pretty tree in our yard.

Phew, I'm back, notice the leash is off and I'm free again!

Have a great day!


Two French Bulldogs said...

What a great walk. No trespassing.. the nerve of some humans
Have a great day
Benny & Lily

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That must have been a fun time for you - out checking out the neighborhood. Lassie looks very furiendly. Mom loves that pretty tree. And she is happy she was able to give your Mom a laugh today - that's exactly what she did when she opened the door last night and saw Ciara lying in her dirt.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Doris Sturm said...

What a nice walk and on the leash, like a good dog ;-) We don't have a leash law in our town, but Gizzy is always on a leash, only he gets very upset when other big dogs come charging at us and then our walk is spoiled because we both get upset and just want to go home ;-(

Old Kitty said...


Oh I hope I get this right (if not I blame my Charlie!! LOL!). Hello Buffy!!!! You are Buffy right?


Thank you for sharing your walk and all the fantastic sights you've seen and sniffed! I like that pretty Lassie-type dog and the gorgeous daffodils. Shame about the no trespassing sign but never mind you had other lovely things to see and sniff like that pretty tree in your yard for instance!

And it's good you were on a leash on your walks - so you're safe!

Have a lovely, lovely day!

Take care


* woo hoo *

Nothing beats a good walk around the neighborhood.


Jacqueline said...

Lovely photos of your beautiful neighborhood...It looks like you enjoyed your walk, Buffy and I love the collie photo too!...Happy Monday!

Andrea said...

Great adventures!
Blessings, andrea

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Aren't neighborhood walks the best...A little bit on our strings and then we are back off hte string in our very own backyard!!


the booker man said...

that looked like a super duper walkie to me, even if you couldn't go check out the little lake.
the booker man

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Thanks fur sharing your great walk!

Lots of khool things!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Buffy!
You had a pawesome sunday walkie!
Did you play with that Lassie doggie??
Kisses and hugs

Thor and Jack said...

Hi Buffy!
What a fun walk you had! The weather looked super nice and you had lots of things to sniff.The tree in your yard is pretty. Those daffodils too. You met Lassie! Fantastic ;)

Duke said...

What a nice walkie! Lassie looks like she would be a fun playmate!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Pat Wahler said...

Thanks for inviting us along on your walk! What a beautiful day!


My Mind's Eye said...

What a lovely day indeed for a walk!! You have a beautiful neighborhood in full spring bloom...yippee no more snow.
Madi and Mom

Kari in Alaska said...

beautiful sunshiney walk :)

ocmist said...

That looked like a real great walk with lots of peemail, too! Read anything interesting? You look a lot like one of our neighbor dogs, but I hope that you are a LOT nicer than HE is, Buffy! We were looking at your sidebar and saw Mr. Chips. He sort of looks a LOT like BG and Dott's dad who was a Chihuahua/Doxie mix. Little Dott got his (her father's) size and the corgi coat from me, OC, and BG got his father's coat and my size. OC, Matriarch of Corgi Country

Unknown said...

Buffy looks so happy throughout this post! :) Can't stand the leash either!