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Is this why no one comes for dinner!

I read this article in tonights newspaper... Am I in trouble Mom!
I say, wipe the counter before you cook! The good news is in our home is that
our cats do not beg, only the dogs!
What do you think, would you not eat over someone's house
because they have cat that jumps on the counters?
To me, it doesn't matter as long you're eating off of dishes!
P.S. We have a lot of company for dinner, I'm thinking they don't know the
cats jump on the counter!


Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Jack and Baby jump up on anything and everything. But I don't have many visitors. I suppose a guest could be put off by a bunch of cat hairs on the dinner table.

Yas said...

We dont mind cats on the counters!

Maxx & Mommy

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We aren't allowed to jump up on the counters, but sometimes we do anyway:) Shhhh, don't tell Mom.

Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Two French Bulldogs said...

No one knows my friends kitty hide by the frying pans..BOL
Benny & Lily

Kari in Alaska said...

As long as you wipe down first no issues :)

Lorenza said...

Good one!
Happy Wednesday!
Kisses and hugs

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I would like to have a khat on my khounter and my bowl and my chair and....

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

Unknown said...

Wen we have first time guests over, M shows them the kitty-bowl drying rack which is separate from the human one, then she shows them sparkling countertops and dirty floors which accentuate the clean counter surfaces. It's true though, cats step on their poops all the time. I don't care and neither does my family, but I get it.

Scooter said...

I wouldnt like to see the cats on the counter tops or the table where we be eating. But I am not a big cat person, I have nothing against them but am allergic to them. If I did see them on counter tops/tables, I more than likey wouldnt want to eat there.


Daisy said...

We both go up on the counters all the time!

Clive said...

Well, I'm afraid I would mind! Our cat Tinkerbell knows its floor and seats only in our house! But everyone's different!

- Murray's Mom

Kea said...

I wouldn't have a problem, but I *would* have a problem with the cat jumping on the table *while* I was eating there. I do not let any of mine get up on the counters or table *in my presence*. Of course they do as they please when I'm not around. LOL. But the counter and dining table are off limits when I'm home.

Doris Sturm said...

I don't mind cats anywhere, but it goes without saying the counters have to be cleaned and disinfected simple because their paws do scratch around in the litterbox, right? Also, I don't want the cat on the counter WHILE I'm preparing food and definitely NOT while I'm eating - unless I'm by myself and nobody knows what goes on behind doors, right? It's not any worse than what goes on in Restaurants' kitchens. I've had several friends who have worked in restaurants, both chain type (like Dennys) or better seafood restaurants and the all said that people would not eat out if they knew what goes on in the back - so, life's a chance that we just have to take ;-) and if the people were my good friends, I would have told them my issue with the cats a long time ago...I'm pretty outspoken (not to be confused with rude)....I love animals!!!
While sitting in the waiting room at the doctor's office the other day, I told my friend who was sitting next to me: "IF I'm a member of the human race, then why do I often feel so disconnected - I'd feel a lot more comfortable sitting in a room full of dogs." ...I'm sure there are a lot of other people who feel the same way I do. I suppose we are all tired and fed up of not being able to trust one another anymore.

My Mind's Eye said...

Well everyone who knows us knows we have always had animals....and at one point we had a wee human and a dog...we used to tell folks if they were opposed to stepping over toys and dogs...they best not come. Your home is your home...we like you are very diligent at keeping the hair from being everywhere. That being said, there are humans who are not responsible parents and animals owners letting the children and the animals run wild....
Ok I'm off my soapbox,
Madi and Mom


an animal is like a member of the family, and is true that they have fur,and the others but i think the do not represent a problem or danger for us. i love them

Trishia said...

I spent the last two weekends cleaning my husband's house which was a rental. I've always had a love for animals and they are automatically attracted to me. BUT....after cleaning and cleaning and finding cat hair even in the refridgerator freezer, I'm a little anti-cat hair at the moment:)!ha!

Jordan said...

Nothing wrong with cats on counters or on the table. My SIX cats know they just aren't allowed on the table when we're eating.

Hey, I change the tablecloth!