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Could this be the new cat and the hat?

This is my version of the cat and hat! I think my sister-in-law said Gracey the Cat is 15 years old? Could that be? That would make me...ummm....never mind!

Have a great day!


Sam said...

What a good kitty to sit there with that baby! I know my cat would not be happy. LOL!

Have a great day, too :)

Lisa + current cat said...

That cat has the patience of a saint. We would be running away and hiding. Cute video.

Heckety said...

Well THAT takes me back nearly 20 years when our first became a toddler and started decorating the dog!

Unknown said...

The cat is so placid - luckily :-)

Martha said...

What a very sweet video - lovely baby and great natured cat!
It made us smile.
Thank you for sharing lifes happy moments.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx


sweet cat and baby too

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That is just adorable - that little one is so cute. Love the music too.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

Andrea said...

Animals are truly amazing.
Blessings, andrea

tori said...

cute video and a very tolerant cat!!!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderfurl kittie Gracie is! Furry tolerant of the little bean!

Scooter said...

Yep, that is one patient kitty!! She should be an example to all of us!!! WTG!!


Two French Bulldogs said...

Very cute...patience! BOL
Benny & Lily

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

What a beautiful video.. That kitty is very patient withn the baby.. Just lovely.. HUgs GJ x

My Mind's Eye said...

That is so sweet and I love the sound of laughter for a child...so pure. Very good kitty too.
Madi and Mom

Emma Rose said...

Sweet! What a mellow kitty :)

Emma Rose

Cyndi and Stumpy said...


Ina in Alaska said...

Adorable!!! Made me smile today!!

Lorenza said...

Yes, I admire the cat's patience!
Great video!
Kisses and hugs

Noah the Airedale said...

Awww Gracey is such a good girl. I Noah would never put up with that.....although I do have to put up with a lot....sigh.
Thanks for sharing the awesome video.


Little Ms Blogger said...

That cat HAS to be at least 15 years old not to move or care that a hat is being put on it.

I realized my cat was old when a mouse ran by her and all she did was step on its tail. She couldn't be bothered with the mouse and found a sun spot instead to take a nap.