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A Visit to Amish Country

Amish Country is a beautiful part of Pennsylvania that we had visited on our trip! We ate lunch in an Amish home, which was the best meal we had on our trip! The Amish were very welcoming and this family lived on this beautiful farm.

An Amish wagon.
A very friendly German Shepard.

German Shepard Puppies for sale.

This farm had lots of horses, cows, bunnies and dogs!

Have a great day!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'm glad woo enjoyed your trip to Pawsylvanina and did wave as woo passed!

Depending upon how woo khame from Hershey, woo were <5 minutes from me and my floof!

PeeEssWoo: I hope the khonditions of the puppy 'place' were good - that is another nasty part of our state ;-(

SquirrelQueen said...

Beautiful farm land, it sounds like you had a great time. I love all the animal shots, that cow looks so relaxed.

Sam said...

How beautiful! I agree with Khrya, so many of the places in PA are icky when it comes to their animals, but these guys look like they are well cared for.

Brindusa (Brinda Dasha) said...

Wow, I saw many movies about the Amish community. First, I didn't understood who they are and what are they doing in US. I still don't know their history. Could you write a post with details about that?
They seem to live in harmony with nature and close to God's principles, but they are a little much to "conservative".

Two French Bulldogs said...

Hi new freind
Momma said she loves that Amish country. My Lily looks like that cow
Benny & Lily

Thor and Jack said...

Glad you had a great trip! That farm is lovely! Great pictures! Those animals look super nice =)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We have heard that a trip to Amish country is beautiful. We have a community not too far from us across the state line in Missouri, but have never been there. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos.

Woos, the OP Pack

Anonymous said...

My hubby grew up in amish land so I get a dose of this every time we visit his family. :)

Tootsie said...

glad you had a great trip...it is fun to see where you all go when you take a time out!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Thanks for the photos of your trip and all the animals you saw.

Yas said...

Beautiful land! Thanks for sharing your pawsome trip with us!


Cyndi and Stumpy said...

PA has some beautiful countryside! And the Amish farms are beautiful, too. Unfortunately, many of them are a hotbed of animal abuse :( . They have gained a reputation for puppy mills and disposable horses.

The Silver Age Sara said...

Loved the farm photos and I'm so glad you're having a good time.

Chester said...

Glad you enjoyed your PA trip. Mom ate at an Amish home one time and she said it was super good too. The children of the family then sang after the meal without musical instruments. I can't spell accapella-or did I? It was unique and very enjoyable.

Did you ever go to the Sight and Sound Theatre? Definitely worth going at least one time. You would like it. Most plays have animals and all are stories from the Bible.

Chester ;0=)